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Our Board of Directors is comprised of 21 of our members who serve on the board in two-year staggered terms. Two BURGER KING® franchisees nominated from each of nine (9) geographical regions across the U.S., one BKC representative, one independent director, and one franchisee representing minority interests.

The directors on our board are actively involved in RSI’s business, overseeing operations and helping to establish policies. They also lead and participate on board committees that are aligned with the company’s key areas of operation.

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From Left, Front Row:Keith Egyed, Dominic Flis, Robes St. Juste, Kevin Fernandez, Debbie Sena, Wayne Burke, Kevin Haas, James Froio, Glenn Levins Back Row: Andrew Geiger, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Aliabadi, Richard Santowski, Joel Neikirk, Todd Schuster, Dave Laslow, Luke Pisors, Jordan Drury, Nicolas Henrich, George Hoffman Not Pictured: Gary Andrzejewski, Robert Reid

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